get your cognitive profile
Before you begin...
Thank you for helping us with our research. If you are familiar with Jungian psychology, cognitive science or models of development, we ask you to set aside any ideas you may have.
This is a serious questionnaire to help you discover what cognitive processes you use well, as opposed to surface behavior or what you value. Some cognitive processes may be outside your awareness or experience, so just understanding the various phrases is part the assessment. Some phrases may take time to reflect.
What You'll Get: Based on your responses, you will get a cognitive development profile along with a best-match personality code.
chinese version 荣格心理类型认知功能测试
- Beebe, J. (2006). Understanding Consciousness Through the Theory of Psychological Types. In M. Brooke & F. Parker (Eds.), Paths Beyond Ego: Transpersonal Vision (pp. 145-149). Theosophical Publishing House.
- Jung, C. G. (1971). Psychological Types (R. F. C. Hull, Trans.). Princeton University Press. (Original work published 1921)
- Myers, I. B., & Myers, P. B. (1995). Gifts differing: Understanding personality type. Davies-Black Publishing.